Fruitful Living:
Growing a Life
That Matters
​Fruitful Living invites, equips, and challenges readers to exercise the fruit of the Spirit in their everyday lives in order to create a life that truly matters in this world - one that delights in a life-changing relationship with everyone it touches.
Peel past the outer layers of your faith and discover what can happen when you let God transform your life into something truly sweet!
From the book Introduction:
If we want to describe a life that matters, one with purpose and meaning and contribution, we’ll turn to the evidence of these characteristics that God offers us in scripture.
Look at the words. Just the words.
Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control.
When we focus on the words—just the words—that compose the classic fruit, we pause. Something stirs inside us. Loving? Yes please! Patient? Absolutely! They’re attractive qualities. We want them. We want them in us, and we want to reproduce them in others. We long for them in our days and our nights and in all the moments in between. And long term, in moments when we look out at the length of our lives, we yearn for the legacy of a fruitful life that memorializes these characteristics as our central life’s offering. Oh, that others would speak of us with these beautiful adjectives and in so doing, see Jesus in us!